Ligne de bus 510 Villé-Sélestat

Ligne de bus 510 Villé-Sélestat
Regular bus line between Sélestat and Villé with stops at: Triembach-au-Val (ZA Burkert), Thanvillé (roundabout D424) and Val de Villé (station).Departures and arrivals at Villé: MJC, market square and old train station.Departures and arrivals at Sélestat: Road St. Marie, station and Place vanolles.Does not run on Sundays and holidays.Line operated by LK Europatours.

67220 Ville
See on google map

09 72 67 67 67

Practical information
Equipment and services

Practical information

  • languages ​​spoken : French
  • Opening hours : Selon les horaires de la ligne de bus
  • weekly closing : Sunday /

Informations Informations

67220 Ville

09 72 67 67 67